avicularia cf metallica standard ads [Page 11]

Ich suche junge erwachsene Frauen und junge Frauen von Avicularia spp
mit Versand nach Polen.
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Angebote per E-Mail

Hello, I am a French breeder specializing in avicularia and I would be looking for:

0.1 C. Versicolor (Sub or Adult)
0.0.5 A. Purpurea
0.0.5 A. Minatrix
0.0.5 A. Metallica
0.0.5 A. Avicularia
0.0.5 Y. Diversipes
Send me an email at: lepingzzfps@hotmail.com with your availability and your payment terms!
I would prefer to find a French breeder but I am not closed to breeders from the east :)

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